The Hebraic word "Shêm" / "Shem"
The Title The Name
This is a complementary to the other web page, THE TITLE THE NAME, in regards to the Hebraic word "Shêm" / "Shem", Strong's Hebrew H8034, which the best English translation is for "Title", but since it works differently in English, we use the "English" word "name", but still carries the weights of representing "authority", "character", "breathe", etc. Cp. 1 Samuel 17:45, Matthew 28:19, John 5:43, 20:31, Luke 24:47, Philippians 2:9-10, Acts 2:38, and many many other places.
For The Record, which makes common and logical sense, there is no commandment on spellings and pronunciations of words in another language, especially with different dialects. To advocate in a manner as if it was, would be a violation of real commandments, Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32. In the END, we will be back to ONE language, a PURE Language. As of 2018, there are over 6,500 languages of over 9,000 dialects, and these languages are not exact with each other, so for now, we deal with it. Remember, it's the thought that counts. 😉 I'll share this similar text for the upcoming page on Philippians 2:9-10. Notice the footnote (#7) in the Screen Shot Image for Acts 2:36-38 pictured below.
Some other examples of different spellings and pronunciations …
And Shimeon said to them, “Return to God and be immersed everyone of you, in the name of THE LORD JEHOVAH Yeshua, for release from sin, so that you may receive the gift of The Spirit of Holiness.” — Acts 2 HPBT
The term “immersion” (or “baptism”), aka does not always specify a Mikvah, “Water Immersion”, (Plural: Mikveh), which is done frequently by some. There’s no such thing in the Biblical Faith as “dunk once in a lifetime and that’s it”. That’s a human invented doctrine. One can cite what they want for a Mikvah, or nothing at all (you can dunk quietly).
So we don’t see support that verses like Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:16, and I have long viewed Acts 2:38 especially in the same manner.
We note that Acts 2:38 is, and has been, rendered differently across the World throughout time, and there are different source texts used for the receptive languages (i.e. translations).
BUT! The AENT Bible offers a textual note as to why Acts 2:38 may be referring to a Mikvah, or additional one (Cp. Acts 1:5, 11:16):
`Simon was preaching from the steps of the Temple in Jerusalem. Just below him were hundreds of "mikveh" (“immersion”) baths. Both the steps he spoke from and the baths are visible today outside the Western Wall. In Peter’s day baptism wasn’t an act of conversion from one religion to another, but an act of purification from sin. A person repented of their sin, prayed, and then entered into the waters of the mikveh to symbolize atonement.`
Perhaps the location is a coincidence, or SImon meant for them to go to the Mikveh Baths?
#Acts2_38 #Acts1_5 #Acts11_16 #Matthew3_11 #Mark1_8 #Luke3_16 #Mikvah #Mikveh #Immersion #Baptism #Authority #Character #H8034.